Roy Hunter is an expert in the field of hypnosis. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the Grand Master of Hypnotherapy , the late Charles Tebbetts, who was a master teacher and contributor to the art/science of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
This book is based upon the training course of Tebbetts, which has been updated by Roy Hunter. Tebbetts training has formed the basis of a large number of hypnotherapy courses taught in America and Europe. The Art of Hypnosis is well-written and easy to read and understand, even for the novice. In-depth and practical information is given on how to achieve maximum results in a hypnotic session by phrasing suggestions properly and by using various techniques to determine which approach is best for each individual client. What is hypnosis and why use it?
- Hypnosis yesterday and today
- Inductions and awakening
- Deepening the hypnotic state
- Testing during hypnosis
- Ethics and potential dangers
- Self-hypnosis for stress coping
- Concepts about the subconscious taught by Charles Tebbetts
- Introducing the Art of Hypnotherapy